Microsoft only supports each version of Window for a certain period and the end of its support for a software product can be a significant challenge for businesses. Currently, Windows 7 is on “extended support” until January 14, 2020. What does it mean when Microsoft terminates support of your Windows version? Let’s have a closer […]
When Microsoft stops supporting Windows
Virtualization security risks & management
While virtualization security is often viewed as an afterthought, it is nevertheless important. Like all technology, securing your virtualized infrastructure is vital to your business’s success. Let’s take a look at some of the security risks posed by virtualization and how you can manage them. Security risks of virtualization Complex infrastructure – Much like virtualization […]
New Windows update for PC vulnerabilities
Two newly discovered Windows vulnerabilities, known as Meltdown and Spectre, make it possible for hackers to steal all sorts of confidential information. To resolve this issue, Microsoft has released an update. Continue reading to stay protected. Issues with Microsoft’s Spectre and Meltdown patches After the January 3rd announcement of unprecedented security vulnerabilities, Microsoft has been […]
Critical Windows security updates from Microsoft
Earlier this month, Microsoft released a patch that includes several security enhancements and addresses 48 vulnerabilities for all supported versions of Windows. If you’re not in the habit of installing security patches when they come out, now’s a good time to start. Let’s take a look at August’s updates and the issues they address. Windows […]
Predictability coming to Windows 10 updates
Updates to the Windows operating system have a controversial reputation. On the one hand, Microsoft issues them frequently to combat cybersecurity risks and introduce new features. On the other hand, the update frequency and requirements leave some users feeling like it’s impossible to keep up. The most recent announcement from Microsoft is working to address […]
Windows 10 flaws patched
As a new and gigantic improvement on versions 7, 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 bears a significant burden in regards to security. Despite being regarded as one of the best Windows operating systems supported, it suffers from imperfections, just like every other piece of software on the market. But with such a swift and thorough […]
VMware releases security patches
Sometimes technology solutions seem safer merely because they’re not widespread enough to be a lucrative target. Although increasingly popular, virtualization’s resilient protection protocols and low adoption rates tend to offset the cost vs. benefit considerations of creating an exploit. Or at least, that was the case. Late last month VMware announced an update to patch […]
WordPress 4.5.3 fixes several security bugs
WordPress is one of the most popular and reliable content management systems on the market, and for this reason it is also one of the most frequently targeted platform for hackers. Websites that are running older versions of WordPress are often vulnerable to security breaches and data leaks. Seeking to correct a number of bugs, […]
How to manage virtualization security risks
When it comes to security, topics like the cloud and networks get wide coverage on Internet blogs and forums. However, other types of technology fly completely under the radar. Virtualization just so happens to fall into this category. And just because people aren’t talking about it doesn’t mean virtualized machines and infrastructure should be left […]