Simple exercises to keep you fit while working from home

When people work from home, their daily physical activity often decreases. Unlike commuting to work and walking around the office, home-based work tends to involve a lot of sitting, which can negatively impact your physical health. To help you stay fit and active, here are some easy exercises you can do from the comfort of […]

Essential laptop features for work from anywhere success

Remote work allows you to work from anywhere, from kitchens to coworking spaces. But to truly thrive in this flexible environment, you need a laptop that can keep up. This guide will simplify the selection process, helping you choose a laptop with the features and power to make your remote work life a success. Performance […]

Must-have Android office apps to stay efficient on the go

Today, where remote work has become the new norm, having the right tools and apps can make all the difference in staying efficient and productive while working on the go. Fortunately, there are a wide selection of Android office apps available that can help you stay organized, focused and increase your productivity. 1. Todoist: Robust […]

How to boost cybersecurity when working remotely

Remote work has become the norm, and it brings a host of benefits to both employees and employers. However, working outside of a traditional office environment introduces unique security challenges. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your and your employees’ cybersecurity while working remotely. Create clear remote work policies Your company should […]

Stay fit while working from home with these easy exercises

Many businesses have adopted a remote work setup since the COVID-19 pandemic began. But despite its benefits, working from home can result in employees’ reduced physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. To stay fit and active on workdays, you can do these workout moves at […]

Top security tips for remote workers

Working from home is becoming popular, primarily because of the flexibility this setup offers. However, one of the biggest concerns for remote workers is how to stay safe and secure while working online. We’ll discuss some cybersecurity tips that can help you stay protected while working from home. Patch your software regularly Although installing software […]

Top qualities to consider when choosing a laptop for remote work

Being able to work in your PJs in the comfort of your own bed is one of the greatest perks of working from home. Working remotely is not so great, though, if you’re stuck with a laptop that’s slow and inefficient. If your laptop can’t keep up with your work needs and is dragging your […]

Safeguard your mobile devices with these tips

Mobile devices are generally less secure than laptop and desktop computers. While there are available anti-malware applications for smartphones and tablets, they aren’t as comprehensive as those for laptops and desktops. Additionally, some mobile devices aren’t compatible with certain security applications or measures implemented by businesses. That’s why it’s even more important to keep track […]

Best laptops for remote working in 2020

If you recently started working from home, you must have realized that it isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. Apart from setting up your home office and managing your time efficiently, a slow and outdated laptop should be the least of your worries. If you’re thinking of buying a new one, here’s […]

How to work from home securely

Encouraging staff to work from home is extremely vital in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. By minimizing social interactions and contact risks, you can reduce the spread of the virus. But be warned. Transitioning from a fully managed business environment to a home office can leave you vulnerable to cyberattacks and online scams. Here’s […]